Project Description

Places on a human scale

Masterplan for the architectural and landscape development of local venues

The Challenge Before Us

The feeling of belonging to a place does not derive only from values and identity. A lot depends on how physical and social spaces are designed, and to what extent they promote freedom of movement and interaction between people. Looking after our resort also implies designing it (or redesigning it) on a human scale.

What We Will Do

We will establish a Strategic and Architectural Development Plan for the places we live every day. The Plan will certainly include the basic modern parameters for quality of life, like provision of cycle paths, venues for social aggregation and cultural production/consumption, public squares, and residential accommodation. At the same time the Plan will achieve all of this starting from the perspective of strengthening a shared sense of community.


All local residents will live better in our villages and surrounding areas. Dolomiti Paganella will become a place where it is easy to meet people, talk, get to know each other, and enjoy personal interests and sports to the full. All this will be perceived and experienced by our visitors, helping to raise our profile as a sustainable location also from a social perspective.