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Presented here is a brief summary of the intermediate results of the research
conducted from Aug. 2019 to Sep. 2020.
The Paganella territory has a strong self-aware tourist identity. Tourism is the main source of wealth, but also a strong social identity marker. Almost everything rotates around the reception of visitors. Tourism remains the driving force for development of the resort: nature, services for families, and outdoor activities continue to be central to our presentation of value. These strong ties to tourism bring benefits as well as some problems, especially during the seasonal peaks when the pressure of visitors becomes difficult.
A territory like the Paganella with such a strong tourist identity is at risk of moulding itself to the needs of visitors, sometimes sacrificing the quality of life of local residents.
Accessibility and mobility are two central themes for improving the living conditions on the Altopiano. It is important to re-equilibrate our tourism, establishing a balance between quantity and quality, between development and environmental protection, between the needs of visitors and those of residents.
The Altopiano della Paganella has not yet found a way to overcome the separation between its villages, but is ready to strive for greater unity and cooperation.
Improvement of our social fabric is achieved by maintaining relationships within the territory while creating future prospects for young people. The new generations are impatient to establish their place in the world, but their parents are not always willing to allow them. Many young people see their future on the Altopiano, but they still hesitate to establish life projects, almost as if they want to keep open the option of doing something else, somewhere else. Our young people are looking for training courses that open professional and cultural horizons for them, at the same time creating favourable conditions for their return home where they can make available what they have learned in other contexts. The business community is lively and dynamic, willing to take risks and innovate. This attitude has made it possible to successfully develop our tourist destination over recent decades. In order to continue along this path we need new energy, which can come from the younger generations who will also face the challenges of integration and cooperation within the territory in order to overcome divisions between the different villages.
Climate change will transform tourism, there is no question about this. However, the changes will not necessarily be for the worse. They might even create new opportunities for mountain areas, like extending the seasons, enabling new experiences, diversifying products and markets.
Our visitors appear to be ready for change: their answers express great interest in a fully sustainable holiday experience and a willingness to modify their behaviour to reduce the negative impact of their presence.
in balance
While sustainable development is a necessity perceived by visitors, it is already partly shared by the local residents in order to improve not only the experiences of tourists, but normal life on the Altopiano. For a territory that lives on tourism it is fundamental to sustain an advanced conception of the role of the local APT, a key player in the development of the community. Tourism must embrace the need for a paradigm shift away from the traditional model of infinite linear growth.
COVID-19 has accelerated
certain trends
The pandemic and the move towards forms of teleworking/smartworking has highlighted the possibility of establishing new residents who find better living and working conditions in the mountain areas compared to the city and its suburbs. COVID-19 has been an accelerator for multiple trends already underway that are changing habits of distribution, purchasing, and use of services, which will also induce adaptations on the Altopiano. There is a clear awareness that in the past our local community has already proven itself capable of facing crises and major changes, and that it has a considerable reserve of goodwill that can be drawn upon when elaborating strategies to deal with the great challenges of the future.