Project Description

New Generation Tourism Commission (NGTC)

A commission of young people for the holiday resort of the future

The Challenge Before Us

The conception and effective design of a different and more sustainable future for your own local area cannot exclude genuine and substantial involvement of the younger generations. It is not enough to ensure them representation in local tourist organizations. Upstream of this we must create motivational processes and real activation for participation.

What We Will Do

We envisage the creation of a “New Generation Tourism Commission” consisting of young people under 35 who can assess the design of tourist development through application of a new evaluation system. The Commission will serve to motivate the aggregation of young business people in the area, initiating training courses and support in the spheres of digitalization and innovation for local tourist operators.


The Commission’s work will provide the APT, consortiums, operators, and all other local stakeholders with a new and original perspective on the issues and themes under discussion. This will widen internal debate within the resort, and at the same time provide important insights into the lifestyles and consumptions of future generations.