Project Description

Dolomiti Paganella Membership Program

Tourists as part of the community

The Challenge Before Us

Our tourists have always been treated as guests. This approach is in line with the quality of what our area offers. However, today the critical state of certain global environmental problems, and the increasing impact of the local tourist phenomenon, is encouraging a different interaction with these guests. Our tourists need to become temporary residents who have the local territory at heart, acting with us to protect it.

What We Will Do

Our visitors will immediately be aware of their participation in local development. When they arrive they will symbolically sign our Values Charter, when they can dedicate their visitors’ tax to the initiative that they consider of highest priority among those listed in the Projects Catalogue.


A holiday in our territory will be lived (and remembered) as an experience that improves personal lifestyles. As individuals our tourists will feel more responsible and protective of the world around them.
This new lifestyle can be sustained throughout the year using our DP Card. This will offer our visitors affiliations with national and international brands that share the same values, enabling them to make sustainable, discounted purchases from their own homes. The immediate benefits of forging a strong identity will thus be combined with goodwill enhancement dynamics.